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" the revelation of the mystery of the Father and His Love,

fully reveals man to man himself.”  (Vat. II, Gaudium et Spes, 22) the revelation of the mystery of the Father and His Love,  fully reveals man to man himself.

Our philosophy asserts the centrality of man's spiritual dimension in living and maintaining a healthy life. It holds that each of us has a spiritual center which we are called to discover within ourselves. It is from this center that I encounter my deepest identity as a son or daughter of God created and redeemed for eternal life in the House of the Father. Here I begin to experience intimate friendship with God which consists in that perfect embrace of love, acceptance, security, affirmation, fulfillment and rest which every human being so deeply longs for. From this intimacy I am able to understand myself more fully as a human person with a personal vocation to love which I am called to live out in relation to others. Living from my spiritual center brings about a sense of purpose and personal harmony which allows me to deal with the pressures and difficulties of life in a balanced and healthy manner.